Is Guava Fruit Helpful For Weight Loss? – Weight Loss Tips and Guide

Is Guava Fruit Helpful For Weight Loss?

Fruits have nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. There is much evidence that people who eat more veggies as part of a healthy diet are less likely to get chronic illnesses. Also, almost all vegetables are naturally low in calories, which makes them great for helping you lose weight. There are about 2000 different kinds of veggies in the world. Each one has its own set of nutrients and health benefits.

One of these fruits that is good for your health is the guava. We’ve all liked eating guava with salt or guava chaat with spice. But adding it to your food plan will help you lose weight in a big way. Please keep reading to find out more about this crunchy fruit and how to use it as part of a plan to lose weight.

Are guavas beneficial to weight loss?

Guavas are a great choice if you want to lose weight. They are a full snack that is low in calories. Each fruit has only 37–55 calories. In addition, they have a lot of vitamins and minerals in them. So, unlike other low-calorie foods, you won’t miss any important nutrients.

Guava is one of the foods that has a lot of energy. Protein and fiber are harder to break down, making one feel fuller for longer. Also, the high fiber level helps regulate digestion. Guavas also have a lot of protein, which helps the digestive process. For every 100 grams of guava, there are 5.4 grams of fiber. Also, green guavas had much less sugar than apples, oranges, or grapes.

Guava is a low-GI food that helps you lose weight and doesn’t increase your blood sugar level. It is the best fruit to help with menstrual problems. This fruit is full of healthy nutrients for people with diabetes and those who want to lose weight.

Researchers found that eating guava helps lower amounts of blood sugar and cholesterol. It also raises the amount of good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein. Manganese, which helps the body absorb other important nutrients from our food, is also found in guavas.

When you are full, you naturally stop eating more high-fat foods. This makes it easy to lose weight healthily. It’s important to remember that no one food makes you lose or gain weight. It’s all about how much you eat and how many calories you burn. The best way to lose weight is to do more outdoor activities daily while eating less.

What other benefits do guavas have for your health?

  • There is a lot of vitamin C in guavas. Research shows that vitamin C keeps you healthy and your immune system strong. It does this by killing dangerous bacteria and viruses.
  • Guava is good for people with diabetes because it has a low sugar index and a lot of protein. A study found that products from guava leaves help drop blood sugar. Also, they can help control high blood sugar and hypoadiponectinemia, which puts you at risk for high blood pressure and heart disease.
  • The magnesium in guava helps to calm down the muscles and nerves of the body. Guava also helps you feel less stressed and gives your body a much-needed energy boost.
  • Antioxidants like lycopene, quercetin, vitamin C, and other antioxidants fight free radicals in the body and stop harmful cells from growing. For instance, a study found that products from guava leaves lower the chance of prostate cancer and stop cancer cells from growing.
  • Guavas are a popular fruit that is good for the eyes. Researchers have found that vitamin A helps improve your eyesight. It also keeps cataracts and retinal degeneration from happening.

Best Time to Eat Guavas to Lose Weight

One to two medium-sized guavas a day can help you lose weight by lowering your calorie intake, making you feel full for longer, and stopping you from snacking on bad foods or eating too much. Guava is also a tasty snack after breakfast, lunch, or evening to satisfy your hunger. So, you can have it as a snack in the middle of the morning or evening.

Guava Recipes for Losing Weight

1) Guava Smoothie


  • 1 cup of chopped guava
  • Half a cup of sliced frozen bananas
  • Half a cup of low-fat yogurt


  • Mix all the ingredients and serve.

2) Guava Salad


  • 1 cup of chopped guava
  • 1 cup of pomegranate pearls
  • 1 cup apple (diced)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped mint
  • 1 cup cucumber (diced)

For Dressing

  • Red chili powder: ¼ tsp
  • Chat masala: ¼ tsp
  • Lime juice: 1 tbsp


Mix the dressing’s ingredients.

Please put the ingredients in a bowl and toss them with the sauce.

Risks of Too Much Consumption

Guava can help you lose weight. If you drink too much, you might get stomach pain, bloating, or diarrhea. You may also have a bloated stomach if you eat too many guavas. Eating too many guavas can make your bowel movements less smooth.

How to lose weight with guava in your diet

  • You can spice up the taste of guava pieces by sprinkling them with chaat powder.
  • You can cut up guavas and put them in your smoothie bowl.
  • Salads may also feature guavas.
  • You can also make a bowl of mixed fruit for lunch.
  • You can make guava juice by peeling it, cutting it into small pieces, and mixing it with cold water.
  • A fruit drink is another option.


Guavas are a great choice if you want to lose weight. Even though they are low in calories, they are full of nutrients. They have a lot of protein, which makes people feel full longer. They are high in vitamin C, which makes the defense system stronger. Not only is it a food that people with diabetes can eat, but it also helps keep their eyes healthy.

Extracts from the leaves of guava are quite powerful. It might make you less likely to get cancer. The best is one or two medium-sized guavas per day. You can eat it as a snack. You can also put it in soups and drinks. But if you eat too many guavas, you might get gas and diarrhea.


The first step towards losing weight is to be persistent and determined. Good food is also important if you want to lose weight. We should eat a range of foods and keep a healthy diet. It gives your body a variety of important nutrients and helps you healthily lose weight.

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