Does Vitamin B12 Help In Weight Loss? – Weight Loss Tips and Guide

Does Vitamin B12 Help In Weight Loss?

These include the 13% of the world’s people who are obese. So, having too much weight is a pretty regular problem. It can cause problems with your health, like heart problems, diabetes, joint problems, etc.

Researchers are looking for healthy parts of food that can help people lose weight because obesity has become a pandemic. Many people want to stay healthy and try different diets and exercise plans to lose those extra kilos. But the most important things are what you eat and how much you exercise.

So, when you go on a diet or follow a food plan, knowing how different nutrients and vitamins help you lose weight is important. Studies have shown that some minerals and vitamins can help people lose weight.

Recent studies show a link between vitamin B12 and being overweight. That’s mostly because it helps with things like improving digestion, giving energy, etc. But many people are still unsure if vitamin B12 helps you lose weight. So, this piece will help you understand how vitamin B12 can help you lose weight.

Learn about vitamin B12 and how it works.

Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that comes naturally in some foods and is added to others. It is sold as a dietary supplement and a drug you can only get with a doctor’s prescription. Since vitamin B12 has the mineral cobalt, study shows that compounds that work like vitamin B12 are called cobalamins as a group.

Vitamin B12 is important for many things in your body. For example, your body needs vitamin B12 for the central nervous system’s growth, myelination, and function. It is also necessary for making healthy red blood cells and DNA.

It also helps break down food to be used as energy. Also, it can speed up your metabolism and help you feel less tired. This enzyme also breaks down a protein called homocysteine. So, it lowers the chance of heart disease caused by high homocysteine levels.

The Health Advantages of Vitamin B12

It helps the hair, skin, and nails.

Because vitamin B12 is important for making cells, it helps keep skin, hair, and nails healthy. Low amounts of vitamin B12 can also cause skin problems, such as hyperpigmentation and discoloration of the nails. Also, it can cause hair changes, vitiligo (where patches of skin lose their color), and angular stomatitis (where the corners of the mouth get red and cracked).

Eliminates Anaemia

Vitamin B12 is very important for making red blood cells. Studies show that low levels of vitamin B12 stop red blood cells from forming and stop them from growing. Your red blood cells get bigger if you don’t get enough vitamin B12. This makes it hard for them to move from the bone marrow to the bloodstream, which can lead to anemia.

Anemia makes it hard for your red blood cells to carry oxygen to your important organs. Because of this, it can make you tired and weak. On top of that, it can make it hard to breathe. Vitamin B12, on the other hand, can help by making more red blood cells.

It protects bones and prevents osteoporosis.

Vitamin B12 helps keep bones in good shape. A study of 2500 people shows that people who didn’t get enough vitamin B12 had weak bones. Over time, bones with less mineral mass can become weak and brittle, which makes osteoporosis more likely. Also, other studies show a link between low amounts of vitamin B12 and weak bones, especially in women.

Boosts Eye Health

Macular degeneration is an eye disease that mostly affects the part of your vision in the middle. Getting enough vitamin B12 can help keep you from the macular degeneration that aging brings. A study of over 5,000 women over 40 found that taking vitamin B12, folic acid, and vitamin B6 supplements may lower this risk. But more research must be done to fully understand how vitamin B12 helps keep eyes healthy and stops macular degeneration.

Sources of Vitamin B12 in Nature for Weight Loss

According to research, vitamin B12 is found naturally in foods that come from animals, such as fish, meat, chicken, eggs, and dairy products. Also, vitamin B12 is easy to get from fortified breakfast cereals and enriched nutritional yeast. Some good things that are full of vitamin B12 are:

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Breakfast grains and plant-based milk are examples of fortified foods.
  • Organ foods like liver and kidney meats
  • Salmon
  • Trout
  • Clams
  • Oysters
  • Shrimp
  • Chicken
  • Eggs

Most of the things that contain vitamin B12 come from animals. So, vegans and vegetarians might need vitamin B12 supplements to meet their needs.

Vitamin B12: Precautions

Vitamin B12 is not very dangerous. This vitamin is safe to take in big amounts because the body does not store extra amounts. Some things you should watch out for when taking vitamin B12 are:

  • If you are allergic to cobalt or must have Leber’s disease, don’t take vitamin B12.
  • If you already have diabetes, stomach problems, etc., you should talk to your doctor.
  • Some medicines, like chloramphenicol, colchicine, aminosalicylic acid, and so on, may combine with vitamin B12.
  • Speak to your physician about what you can eat, drink, and smoke while taking vitamin B12.
  • If you have a cardiac stent, don’t take Vitamin B12. It can cause the blood vessels to get smaller.


If you don’t get enough of some nutrients, it can be harder to lose weight. Vitamin B12 is one of these things. Even though it doesn’t directly affect weight loss, not getting enough can make it harder to lose weight. This is because it helps the body do many things. If you don’t get enough of it, you might have low energy, slow digestion, etc.

But you can eliminate it with herbal remedies or shots and pills. When this shortage is fixed, it increases energy and speeds up the metabolism, which helps people lose weight. But so far, it hasn’t had that kind of effect on people who get enough of the vitamin.

Vitamin B12 may help people who don’t have enough of it lose some weight, but it can’t replace a healthy diet and regular exercise. It would help to change how you live to drop weight and keep it off. You need to eat and act healthily for long-term, good weight loss. You can also learn how to deal with worry, get enough sleep, drink enough water, set goals, keep track of calories, etc.

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