A 15-day Keto Diet Plan For Weight Loss – Weight Loss Tips and Guide

A 15-day Keto Diet Plan For Weight Loss

When it comes to the keto diet, you must create a good diet plan for weight loss that works and makes you the desired results in the time frame you set for yourself. If you follow the keto diet graph for weight loss, you won’t be far from your goal.

Day 1

  • Breakfast: 1 cup of bulletproof coffee, black tea, or keto tea, 1 tablespoon of keto peanut butter, and a handful of almonds.
  • Lunch: Two keto-friendly chapatis, bhindi ki sabzi, and a bowl of watermelon.
  • Dinner: 1 cup of soupy noodles cooked in olive or keto oil.

Day 2

  • Breakfast: 1 cup bulletproof coffee, 2 egg omelets cooked in butter, and a side of bacon.
  • Lunch: 2 keto-friendly chapatis with steamed broccoli and ghee-fried mutton seekh kabab.
  • Dinner: Paneer or egg bhurji with chapati or a small cup of stir-fried brown rice with vegetables and soy sauce.

Day 3

  • Breakfast: two Keto dosas, a small salad bowl, one cup of Bulletproof coffee, and nuts and keto seeds.
  • Lunch: Tomato, onion, capsicum or other keto-friendly vegetables, Sautéed zucchini, brown bread or two chapatis.
  • Dinner: chicken tikka with cauliflower rice.

Day 4

  • Breakfast: an egg omelet, a tiny cup of poha, and a handful of seeds or nuts.
  • Lunch: Sarso ka saag/palak paneer with Keto ingredients, a bowl of flour, oil, 2 keto chapatis, and stir-fried vegetables.
  • Dinner: A small bowl of brown rice and soupy vegetables cooked in keto oil.

Day 5

  • Breakfast: A cup of black coffee with no sugar added, 4 pieces of bacon, and 2 scrambled eggs.
  • Lunch: Lettuce, paneer bhurji with vegetables, and chapati made with regular and Keto flour. Snack on a handful of seeds while eating keto-friendly stir-fried vegetables.
  • Dinner: slow-cooked salmon with pesto chicken salad.

Day 6

  • Breakfast: An avocado smoothie, almonds, paneer bhurji, and green tea.
  • Lunch: In a dish, combine spinach, red bell pepper, mushrooms, and lettuce with an olive oil dressing.
  • Dinner: 150g pesto and cheese-stuffed chicken or spinach soup in 1 cup of butter-cooked mushrooms.

Day 7

  • Breakfast: Green tea or bullet coffee, an egg bhurji with vegetables, and watermelon juice.
  • Lunch: 4 pieces chicken malai tikka and a bowl of sautéed vegetables.
  • Dinner: 2 chapatis and seasoned chicken breast.

Day 8

  • Breakfast: a tiny bowl of Poha, an egg omelet, and a handful of nuts or seeds.
  • Lunch: Mushrooms with grilled Paneer (100g) and roti created with half wheat flour and half Keto flour.
  • Dinner: 1 bowl of brown rice with stir-fried cauliflower.

Day 9

  • Breakfast: Two fried eggs on keto pancakes with coffee, tea, or smoothie.
  • Lunch: Chapati and salad vessel with baingan bharta.
  • Dinner: ghee-grilled chicken kabobs with a vegetable salad.

Day 10

  • Breakfast: a bowl of poha, a smoothie, coffee, tea, and a handful of nuts and seeds.
  • Lunch: Avial with three chapatis made from a cup of flour.
  • Dinner: a vegetable soup seasoned with olive, coconut, or keto oil. The noodles are known as Keto Noodles.

Day 11

  • Breakfast: An avocado smoothie, almonds, paneer bhurji, and green tea.
  • Lunch: 100g mushrooms with Paneer baked with salt, pepper, and roti created with half regular and half Keto flour.
  • Dinner: 150 g chicken stuffed in pesto, yogurt, or spinach soup with 1 cup of browned mushrooms.

Day 12

  • Breakfast: two Keto dosas, a small salad bowl, one cup of tea or Bulletproof coffee, a few nuts, and a keto seed mixture.
  • Lunch: a bowl of steamed vegetables and four pieces of chicken malai tikka.
  • Dinner: Salad with chicken and spinach kebabs.

Day 13

  • Breakfast: a couple of hard-boiled eggs and a bowl of watermelon.
  • Lunch: a salad with shallow-fried Paneer and a half-cup of strawberries (or any other fruit).
  • Dinner: 250 mL buttermilk, simple chicken in masalas, and 1-2 keto flour chapatis.

Day 14

  • Breakfast: Masala omelet with cheese and bacon.
  • Lunch: Mutton seekh kabab with boiled and spiced cauliflower.
  • Dinner: 1 bowl of cauliflower or brown rice with stir-fried chicken or vegetables in a pan.

Day 15

  • Breakfast: An avocado smoothie in a glass, a handful of almonds, a cup of green tea, and paneer bhurji.
  • Lunch: Toss spinach, capsicum, mushrooms, and lettuce with an olive oil dressing in a dish.
  • Dinner: 150g chicken stuffed with pesto and cheese or spinach soup with 1 cup of butter-cooked mushrooms.

Here Are The Six Scientifically Proven Advantages Of The Keto Diet.

Even if it’s difficult to believe, the keto diet has more advantages than just helping you lose weight. Here are six scientifically proven examples.

  • It aids weight loss by making it easier to avoid carbs.
  • One primary benefit of the keto diet is that it reduces the likelihood of acne.
  • It reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.
  • The keto diet’s primary benefit is that it may enhance your heart health.
  • Better neuroprotective measures improve brain function, preventing Alzheimer’s disease.
  • PCOS symptoms may be resolved, which is critical for hormone balance.

Is Keto A Valuable Diet For Weight Loss?

The Keto diet is the best way to lose weight quickly because it helps you lose fat and water. Especially since obesity and other metabolic diseases are among the world’s most serious issues, obesity can lead to other health matters, such as type 2 diabetes, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and high blood pressure. It can also cause people to be sluggish and late. People claim that the keto diet is one of the most successful methods to lose weight while living a healthy lifestyle.

Before Beginning The Keto Diet, You Should Know The Following Side Effects.

Although the keto diet has helped many people lose weight, it is crucial to know that it has side effects that may cause you to lose motivation like never before. Before starting the keto diet, it’s critical to understand what’s right and wrong. Here are four disadvantages of the keto diet:

  • Some people get sick, tired, and have headaches at the start of a keto diet.
  • It is common to experience lousy exhalation, sweat, and urinary odor.
  • You may experience cramps in your leg muscles due to losing water weight.
  • Aside from diarrhea, gastrointestinal issues are a common side effect of a diet change.


Because the Keto diet is so prevalent in India, you can find recipes and meals that you can customize online. Ensure the ratio is roughly 75% fat, 20% protein, and less than 5% carbohydrates. Finally, the keto diet may deplete you with specific nutrients, but this is easily remedied with supplements. A well-planned keto diet chart can also help you eat as much as you require while meeting your energy requirements.

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