10 HIIT Cardio Workouts That Help You Lose Weight – Weight Loss Tips and Guide

10 HIIT Cardio Workouts That Help You Lose Weight

It is a brief period spent conducting intense workouts with little recovery. This aerobic training can significantly aid with weight loss. HIIT workouts raise your heart rate and maintain it there, allowing you to burn more fat in less time. According to research, a quick workout can provide the same health advantages as twice as much moderate-intensity exercise.

Before you start your HIIT program, you should think about a few safety issues:

  • Choose a low-intensity exercise that you are familiar with. For example, if you haven’t run in a long time, don’t try to run as fast as possible.
  • Begin with a few lessons held twice a week. HIIT is quite difficult, especially when higher-impact activities are used.
  • Work sessions should not last more than 30 seconds. Work cycles longer than 30 seconds will struggle to maintain the energy level required for HIIT.
  • Allow yourself enough relaxation time. You won’t be able to sustain the energy level for HIIT unless you relax for at least as long as you work.
  • If you suffer knee pain, try low-impact activities like cycling or swimming.


It’s a two-part exercise that begins with a push-up and concludes with a leap. Burpees engage every muscle in your body, but they are especially effective for your legs, chest, forearms, shoulder, biceps, hips, and lats.

How to perform Burpees?

Burpees are simple because no equipment or weights are required. Burpees are performed by bending down and assuming a half-squat position.

Maintain a straight back and let your chest touch the ground. Do a push-up; a frog jumps to bring your legs together before jumping up with your hands in the air. Please return to where you started and repeat the process.

High Knees

This is another basic exercise that requires no equipment. High knees serve to strengthen your leg muscles while increasing your heart rate. This improves your body’s coordination and flexibility.

How to perform High Knees?

To perform high knees, spread your feet as wide as your hips and draw your left knee towards your chest while sprinting. Try to maintain your arms outstretched and your legs touching your hands while performing the exercise.

Lunge Jumps

Lunge hops are an advanced variant of the walking lunge. Before you fall, you must hop up high and switch to your other foot in front of you. This workout requires no equipment and burns a lot of calories. It also encourages your heart to beat quicker.

How to perform Lunge Jumps?

To do Lunge Jumps, stand with your legs at least shoulder-width apart. Step forward with one foot while maintaining your back straight. Bend your leg and go down, ensuring it is straight up and down. Finally, jump and bring the opposite leg forwards. Repeat the process.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks, often referred to as side-straddle hops, are full-body exercises that can be performed almost anywhere because they don’t require any special equipment.

How to perform Jumping Jacks?

Stand upright with your foot at least hip-width apart for Jumping Jacks. Check that your shoulders are relaxed and that you are looking straight ahead. Jump up and spread your feet to the sides. To repeat them, simply repeat the previous steps.

Mountain Climbers

Climbing mountains is not easy. But what if the hills flatten out? So that’s pretty much it for mountain climbers’ training. This workout is well-known for its ability to improve cardio stamina and quickness while focusing on the entire body.

How to perform Mountain Climbers?

Acquire into a plank position with your arms straight to perform Mountain climbers. Check that your hands are slightly larger than the space between your shoulders.

Now, bring your right knee to your chest without elevating your hips. Then, using the opposite knee, take a step forward. Now, complete the steps as rapidly as possible. 

Rope Jumping

Skipping, often known as jumping rope, is a popular sport with numerous advantages. It’s a basic exercise that burns a lot of calories and is a lot of fun.

How to perform rope jumps?

A rope is all that is required to skip. Keep your back straight and your legs close together. Maintain a close grip on your stomach. Now, jump and allow the rope to wrap around your entire body, from head to toe, and repeat.


Pushups are among the most famous basic workouts, although they might be difficult for beginners. They are ideal for building upper-body strength.

How to perform Push-ups?

Push-ups do not necessitate the use of any training equipment. Assume a cat stance with your hands and toe tips on the ground to perform push-ups. Get down on your chest and make contact with the ground. Check that your legs are straight and your back is not curved. As you improve, you can push yourself by pushing your toes closer together.

Side Jackknife

The Side Jackknife exercise targets your obliques, hips, and legs. Gluteus maximus and hip flexors are also employed.

How to perform Side Jackknife.

To do Side Jackknife, lie on your side with one leg on top of another and one hand behind your back, arm stretched out. Put another hand on the ground before you to balance your weight. Try bringing the top of your leg and arm down and repositioning them. Repeat the procedures to set up training.

Russian Twist

The Russian Twist is a basic but effective core and hip exercise. Athletes enjoy it because the aftereffects allow them to twist their bodies around and shift directions quickly.

How to perform a Russian Twist?

To accomplish the Russian twist, sit on your knees in a “V” position. Make sure your legs are roughly a shoulder width apart. Now switch from one side to the other. Repeat several times to condition the body.

TRX Pull-up

TRX pull-ups need a lot of upper-body strength. However, it can be simple if you know the right method and have done it a lot. This would also necessitate the use of a TRX machine.

How to perform a TRX Pull-up?

To perform a TRX Pull-up while holding on to the TRX. Pull yourself up with arms behind your back and your legs shoulder-width apart. Getting your chest level with the handles and holding that position for a few seconds would be beneficial.

Lower your body slowly, then repeat the process. Don’t be concerned if you can’t reach the handle level immediately. You’ll have to work for a few days, but you’ll get there. Patience and hard work are essential.


HIIT fitness regimens are one of the finest ways to work without investing in expensive equipment. However, asking an expert how to do it correctly and safely would be beneficial. Check that you are wearing the proper shoes and other safety equipment. In addition to training, you must address your body’s nutritional requirements to ensure the training is effective.

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